Translate into English. (Candidates are advised to work through the translated passages first, since the underlined words recur in passages to be translated, and you will get some idea of what is going on.)
A. Apollodoros describes the difficult situation Athens and its allies were in, and how he took pains to select the very best crew and equipment for his ship.
®v aKouovrE; upEi; TOTE Ev r® Sfp® auwv TE lEyovrrav Kai rrov CTuvayopEuovrrav aurot;, Eri Se r®v Epnoprav Kai rrov vauKlfprav nEpi EKnlouv ovrrav EK row novrou, Kai Bu^avrirav Kai KalxnSovirav Kai KuZiKnvrov Karayovrrav ra nloTa evEKa iSia; xpEia; row airou, Kai oprovrE; Ev r® nEipaiE! rov oTrov EniripfflpEvov Kai OUK ovra a^0ovov ®vET00ai, Eyn^foa00E ra; TE vatic; Ka0ElKEiv rou; rpinpapxou; Kai napaKopiZEiv Eni ro x®pa, Kai rou; PoulEura; Kai rou; Snpapxou; Karaloyou; noiET00ai rrov Snporrov Kai ano^EpEiv vaura;, Kai Sia raxou; rov anoCTrolov noiET00ai Kai Pon0Elv eKaora- xoT. Kai EviKnoE ro ‘Apioro^fflvro; yf^iopa rourr
row pev yn^ioparo; roivuv aKnKoarE, ® avSpE; SiKaorai. Ey® S’ EnEiSf poi OUK nl0ov
When you heard all these tidings at that time in the assembly from both the speakers them¬selves and those who supported them; when furthermore the merchants and shipowners were about to sail out of the Pontus, and the Byzantines and Chalcedonians and Cyzicenes were forcing their ships to put in to their ports because of the scarcity of grain in their own countries; seeing also that the price of grain was advancing in the Peiraeus, and that there was not very much to be bought, you voted that the trierarchs should launch their ships and bring them up to the pier, and that the members of the senate and the demarchs should make out lists of the demesmen and reports of available sea¬men, and that the armament should be des¬patched at once, and aid sent to the various regions. And this decree, proposed by Aristophon, was passed, as follows:
THE DECREE KaralEyEi; selected Snporf; demesman
oi vaVxai oi KaxaXEyevxE? Vno xrav Snpoxrav, aXX’ n oXiyoi Kai oVxoi aSVvaxoi, xoVxou? pev a^^Ka, Vno0Ei? Se x^v oVaiav x^v epauxoV Kai SavEiaapEvo? apyVpiov, npraxo?
enXnpmaapnv x^v vaVv, pia0raaapEvo? vaVxa? ra? oiov x’ ^v apiaxou?, SrapEia? Kai npoSoaEi? Sou? eKaaxra aVxrav pEyaXa?. exi Se aKEUEaiv iSioi? x^v vaVv anaai KaxEaKEuaaa, Kai xrav Snpoairav eXaPov oVSev, Kai Koapra ra? oiov x’ ^v KaXXiaxa Kai SianpEneaxaxa xrav xpinpapxrav. Vn^pEaiav xoivuv nv eSuvapnv Kpaxiaxnv epia0raaapnv. Kat xaVxa oxi aXn0^ Xeyra npo? Vpa?, xoVxrav Vp-Tv avayvraaExai xa? papxupia? xrav xe xa axpaxiraxiKa xoxe Eianpaxxovxrav Kai xrav anoaxoXerav, Kai xoV? pia0oV? ou? xaT? VnnpEaiai? Kai xoT? emP&xai? Kaxa p^va eSiSouv, napa xrav axpaxnyrav aixnpeaiov povov XapPavrav, nX^v Suovv pnvoTv povov pia0ov ev nevxE pnai Kai eviauxra Kai xoV? vaVxa? xoV? pia0ra0evxa?, Kai oaov eKaaxo? eXaPEv apyVpiov, iv’ eK xoVxrav evS^xe x^v ep^v npo0upiav, Kai oVxo? Sioxi napaXaPEvv nap’ epoV x^v vaVv oVk t|0eXev, enEiS^ poi o xpovo? e^^X0E x^? xpinpapxia?.
aXX’ rj except a^inpi (a^nK-) dismiss Vnoxi0npi (Vno0E-) mortgage SavEi^opai borrow nXnpoopai man, fill pia0oopai hire SrapEia bonus npoSoai? advance KaxaaKEua^ra equip xa Snpoaia public stores SianpEn^? magnificent
To prove that I am stating the truth to you in this, the clerk shall read you the depositions covering these matters, those of the persons who at that time collected the military supplies and of the despatching board; also the record of the pay which I gave out every month to the rowers and the marines, receiving from the generals subsistence-money alone, except pay for two months only in a p eriod of a year and five months; also a list of the sailors who were hired, and how much money each of them received; to the end that from this evidence you may know how gen¬erous I was and why the defendant was unwilling to take over the ship from me when the term of my trierarchy had expired.
B. He goes on to discuss how difficult things become if a ship returns home in mid-service and claims that, because of the excellence of this ship, he frequently put in at Peiraieus on different missions.
oxi pev xoivuv oV yEuSopai npo? Vpa? nEpi rav Einov, ra avSpE? SiKaaxai, xrav papxupirav avayiyvraaKopevrav a^KoaxE. exi Se nEpi rav peXXra XeyEiv, anavxe? poi opoXoy^aExE oxi aXn0^ eaxiv. xpifpou? yap opoXoyElxai KaxaXuai? Eivai, npraxov pev, eav p^ pia0ov xi? SiSra, SEVXEPOV Se, eav EV? xov nEipaia pExa^V KaxanXEVa^ • anoXEiyi? XE yap nXEiaxn yiyvExai, oi XE napapevovxE? xrav vauxrav OVK e0eXouai naXiv epPaivEiv, eav pf| xi? aVxoT? exEpov apyVpiov SiSra, raaxE xa oiKEla 5lOlKfaaa0al. a epoi ap^oxEpa auvePn, ra avSpE? SiKaaxai, raaxE noXuxEXEaxepav poi yEvea0ai x^v
S^pou Mevrava xov axpa xnyov ayEiv EV? ‘EXX^anovxov avxi AVxoKXeou? anoxEipoxovn0evxo?, raxo pnv avayopEvo? Sia xaxou?.
opoXoyera agree
KaxaXuai? break-up, dispersal
pExa^V in the middle of a voyage
KaxanXera sail home
anoXEiyi? desertion
aupPaivra (auvEP-) happen
noXuxEXf|? expensive
npeaPEi? ambassadors
npoaxax0ev poi ‘since I have been ordered’
Kai Tau0’ upiv Sia TauTa anavTa Sinyno&pnv apx^;, iv’ eiS^Te ooa dvnl®K®; aUTo; Kai ^lfon; poi yeyevnpevn; T^; l^Toupy^a;, uoTepov ooa avalfflpaTa unep TOUTOU eni T^v vauv, Kai KivSuvou; ooou; eKivSuveuoa aUTo; npo; Te xeipfflva; Kai npo; nolepfou;.
peTa yap T^v napanopn^v Tfflv n^®v T^v ei; Mapfflveiav Kai T^v a^i^iv T^v ei; 0&oov, a^iKopevo; napenepne naliv o Tipopaxo; peTa Tfflv 0ao^®v ei; STpupnv oiTov Kai nelTaoTa;, ®; napalnyopevo; aUTo; to x®p^v. napaTaZapev®v Se Map®vtrfflv ^piv Tai; vauoiv unep tou x®pfou toutou Kai pell6vT®v vaupaxf oeiv, Kai Tfflv oxpaTi®Tfflv aneipnK6T®v, nlouv noluv nenleuK6T®v Kai nloia £1k6vt®v ek 0&oou ei; STpupnv, ea Se xeipfflvo; ovto; Kai tou x®pfou alipevou, Kai eKp^vai ouk ov ouSe
Semvonoifoao0ai, nol^a; T^; x®pa; ouon; Kai nepiKa0npev®v KUKI® TO Teixo; Kai ^ev®v pio0o^op®v Kai PapPap®v npooote®v, avayKaiov ^v en ayKupa; anooaleueiv T^v vuKTa peternpou;, aotrou; Kai aypunvou;, ^ularropevou; p^ T^; VUKTO; ^piv em0fflvTai ai Map®viTfflv Tpifpeu;.
I have told all these facts to you from the begin¬ning, so that you may know how much I have myself expended and how burdensome my service as trierarch has been to me, and all the expenses which I subsequently bore in the inter¬est of the defendant by serving beyond my term, since he did not come to take over the ship, and all the dangers I myself incurred from storms and from the enemy.
napanopnf conveying: cf. napanepn® convey ^elTaoTa^ peltasts
napalapP&v® (fut. napalny-) capture
napaT&TT® (+ dat.) draw up against
oTpaTi®Tfflv i.e. our own sailors
aneipnK®; refusing
aMpevo; harbourless
ov it being possible
nepiK&0npai be encamped around
pio0o^opo; hired
npoooiKo; neighbouring
en’ ayKupa; at anchor
anooaleu® ride
peTe®po; at sea
aypunvo; unsleeping
enra0epai (em0e-) (+
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